(23 February, 2020 - 04:26 PM)Atlantis Wrote: Show More
So I replied on an exchanging thread on the buyers bay, and this guy dmed mearad?x#133 (https://pastr.io/view/1mNSaA0s1P0)
You can clearly see that the o is some greek alphabet or something.
This guy probably want to scam people under the name of @paradox, he's messaging a lot of members that made or replied under exchanging threads.
(Cracked.to doesn't accept the greek letter so it automatically changes into a questionmark, so I added a pastr.io link)
Be aware of this guy and always pm verify!
Discord Information of impersonator:
Discord tag of impersonator:https://pastr.io/view/1mNSaA0s1P0
Discord ID of impersonator:649001350037766154
Smart Smart
Super buddy for reacting and adding a warning ... Let the @ParadoX hunt begin. Let's make him take-out food! epegun:
Well done @Atlantis XDD PepeSadHeart Hype
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