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Selling guarda account with 20$ Tether


(10 November, 2023 - 03:20 PM)Love Wrote: Show More
(10 November, 2023 - 12:49 AM)PureEvil Wrote: Show More
You mean Guarda wallet right?
[Image: what_.gif]
why would you sell one loaded with 20 USDT for 10$
[Image: kappa.png]
is the USDT on the eth network or what?

idk i havent tried anything
[Image: wiggle.gif]

Kappa I will most likely buy it from you, just let me know on what network the tether is on ( I don't want to buy it on the Ethereum network wiggle ) Please add me on DC so we can discuss it more:pureevil99
Mid and bottom signaturespots for sale.
DM me here or on tg : https://t.me/PureEvil99



