hopefully this works lmfao, thanks for sharing
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(21 April, 2021 - 06:22 PM)jsl_war468 Wrote: Show More
Prolly one of the best view/chatbots out there rn
I didn't crack this, I managed to get it from a paid cracking website so enjoy
like or get banned Pepi
Whitelist on windows defender for minimal errors.tb_button {padding:1px;cursorointer;border-right: 1px solid #8b8b8b;border-left: 1px solid #FFF;border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;}.tb_button.hover {borer:2px outset #def; background-color: #f8f8f8 !important;}.ws_toolbar {z-index:100000} .ws_toolbar .ws_tb_btn {cursor
ointer;border:1px solid #555;padding:3px} .tb_highlight{background-color:yellow} .tb_hide {visibility:hidden} .ws_toolbar img {padding:2px;margin:0px}