tysmthis is very good nice job Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta
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adaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Pepi(20 April, 2021 - 10:38 PM)jsl_war468 Wrote: Show More
Multi-threading Proxy and Proxyless
HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Proxies supported (and it also auto auth proxies with username and password).
Has a Proxy Scraper.
Checks capes for Minecon, Optifine, Labymod, and LiquidBounce.
Checks rank for Hypixel, Mineplex, Hive, Velt.
Saves Levels for Hypixel and Mineplex
Gets Hypixel's last logout date.
Checks for Email Access
Whitelist from windows defender for minimal errors
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