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(26 March, 2021 - 04:01 AM)MoeMoney Wrote: Show More
~ About ~
The art of social manipulation has been practiced for thousands of years dating back to the creation of religion. For years people have been using powerful manipulative techniques to gain political power, create immense wealth, and pursue hate crimes. These techniques specifically target the weak points of the human psyche and have been used by some of the wealthiest, most powerful people in history (Hitler, Stalin, Sadam, Kim Jong Un, Jeff Bezos) as well as a multiple of cults (Manson/Jones town) to manipulate and exploit people into fulfilling their motives, weather it be a $2,000,000 business deal, killing off an entire religion, or fulfilling their dark psychotic beliefs. These secret techniques have been kept under lock and key for dozens of years, handed down only to close family due to their immense psychological potential. Thankfully, as a psychologist/entrepreneur studying the human mind (as well as the human wallet) for over 8 years, I have discovered a multiple of these secret psyche exploits and rather than handing them down to my non existent children, have decided to write a book explaining step by step the inner workings of the human mind, as well as how to sufficiently exploit the typical citizen into performing your bidding.
Rather than world domination or starting a cult, this ebook will be focused on social engineering for the purpose of gaining wealth and the affection of women. (Because who doesn't like cash and pussy?)
Considering these techniques can be used to takeover the ENTIRETY of a populous, you can only IMAGINE how much wealth they can generate...