(14 October, 2021 - 09:30 PM)Humaxxxx Wrote:
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Dear fellow c.to users,
Today i had 3rd time that person tries is trying SEing to beg me money,
I had sent over $110k+ which is 2nd time for paid $50k and $10k to Malachai. (Still i got DWC tag for no reason which is basically i did not scam anyone, so far i didn't sell anything. i always pay anything in c.to)
Disclaimer: R4zzl3 is here because i've tried to logged in, but 2FA key has been swapped or something.
I admit "Malachai" does not paying RDP/Kekr Tools and i declare i was always paying RDP bills and kekr tools.
I also admit "JamesA" is Malachai which he doxes/create discord account to threat/SEing at me for beg money (
I also realized that gift "Custom UG/Awards" are malicious as well. (So i won't be friends with gifting me in my opinion)
I also declare that Malachai did NOT have his own RDP, because i have 2 RDPs which i was paying money as my responsible, it means it's my RDP items.
He broke many rules in c.to which is doxing/begging/SEing at c.to users
After i've returned/paid $50k to him, however he does DMing me to beg me more money.
Screenshots which i've caughted at him (he acts like indian scammers honestly)
https://i.imgur.com/I5OVpTq.png (Malachai asking me for teamviewer)
https://i.imgur.com/GIHfFUz.png (Asking me $10k, claims to be his yahoo hacked/SE'd at me also asking me for anydesk as well.)
Here is these screenshot what the person has done:
https://i.imgur.com/ZCAGrk3.png (Paid $50k, closes scam report.)
https://i.imgur.com/X0nExAt.png (2nd time after closes scam report, Accusing me for destroying his projects, i did not see his project of his c.to profile)
https://i.imgur.com/m5mROSJ.png (Accusing me fordestroying his projects #2, which i clearly did not did it. claims to be destroy his projects.)
https://i.imgur.com/HssfTSN.png (He promised i will send $55k, which is SEing and begging)
https://i.imgur.com/TCt5biS.png ($55k he needs beg me for, i've monitored his ETH addy every hour and once he spent all of $50k, dming me and start begging me money ever again)
https://i.imgur.com/8iYjvfp.png (Paid $50k again, however he will DMing me again after 14 days)
https://i.imgur.com/bc9PtFE.png (I did even not contact him, he added me to beg me money for 3rd time) i declared that
https://i.imgur.com/LDjmgI7.png ($20k needed this time)
https://i.imgur.com/elNwPKY.png (Sent $20k before malachai needs to ban for it)
I hope Malachai gets DWC tag and gets ban for it because he break many c.to rules in this site.
I also do NOT recommend Malachai because he is malicious guy.
Here is Malachai's Crypto Address which i've monitored every hour to prevent DMing me for beg money
https://etherscan.io/address/0xD55813E32...952b287930 (He spent $50k twice for gambling)
https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/b...yy6xlf0fwm (He also spent BTCs for gambling as well)