i think there will be somethings that are usefull
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(22 July, 2018 - 10:51 AM)Dog thanks for the pack my dude Wrote: Show More
For the record, this isn't my "ethical hacking pack". That's just the name of what it was on my computer.
There's way more that couldn't be categorised. They live in the Misc folder.
- Android tools
- Batch Virus Creator
- Binders
- Booters
- Botnets
- Bots
- Crackers
- Crypters
- DDoS Tools
- Dox Programs
- Ebooks [OVER 9000]
- E-Whoring Material
- Exploit Kits
- ExploitScanning
- Exploiting
- Fake Programs
- File Plumper
- Guides
- Hacking Tools
- Icons
- IP & Port Scanners
- Keyloggers
- Malware
- Minecraft Clients
- Network Tools
- Phishing Pages
- Proxy Grabbers
- Proxy Lists
- Proxy Programs
- Ransomware
- RATs
- Resolvers
- ShareCash
- Shells
- Skype
- SMS & Email Bombers
- Sniffers
- Source Codes & Scripts
- Spammers
- Spoofing
- Spreading
- SQLi Tools
- Stealers
- Tutorials
- VPNs & Security Tools
- Vulnerability Scanners and Exploiters
- Worms + Malware + Virus Makers & Builders
- YouTube Bots