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GalaxyRDP - Cleaning up my name
















Years of Service

What is currently going from mouth-to-mouth is a poorly told and different stor than what actually happened.
Making this thread to talk about everything that happened on GalaxyRDP, from the start.
Also to clear my name up, after you read this you'll see how I'm not in the wrong here.

How it started
Well, you all already know my partner on this is AntiLeech. Why did I choose him? I used to talk with him before this and he's a repped user onc.to(where I met him). We were both looking for a new business idea and he had the way to make a rdp service and I was capable of advertising it. That's how we partnered up: me dealing with all the marketing, he dealing with RDPs and "techinal" stuff.

The timing
We all also know rdp.sh got some problems a while ago, which matched our release. Contrary to what some people have said, no, we did not start this GalaxyRDP idea after rdp.sh announced their problems, we had been planning this for longer, was just a lucky coincidence for us. We never planned the pre orders tho, we started them after we saw that announcement since we found it a good way to get our first wave of customers.

The prices
This one is a good one. All the drama started here when we were accused of selling the RDPs at unsustainable, irrealistic prices. And, ngl, these were dirt cheap for the specs you got but we were legit with them. It's true that we weren't profiting from it with them but it wasn't our plan. We settled this prices for launch only, so the prices would raise after the launch. You can call it a marketing move (amazing prices at launch, that increase to an actual realistic price when we fully launch). With these prices, we were making no profit and that was intended, all marketing here.

When and how shit happened
The way this all started was with my discord ban. I got banned for being on a discord server, everyone that was in there got banned from discord, not giving more details about it for obvious reasons and because it isn't needed for the rest of the story.
After this happened I joined the server back but Anti never got to give me the owner role back (??). I thought he was just afk so left him a message and proceeded to go offline to deal with some irl stuff. When I came back after couple hours, I went onc.tochat and people were talking about "iDevnet exit scamming" to which I replied with "?" on chat. I had no idea of what was happening at this time. I got sent a pic of an announcement Anti had made "@Everyone iDevNet is exit scamming. He has blocked me" and showed a screenshot of him trying to send me a message and appearing an error.
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This error in no way means you blocked someone, in fact, it was showing because we didn't have any server in common (he kicked me from GalaxyRDP before that) and we weren't friends on Discord (it was my new account)
But why did he kick me? According to him, "security porpuses".
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Well, after kicking he tried to send me a message and thought I blocked him (lol). Instead of contacting me on a forum to know what's up what does he do? Accuse me of exit scamming (for $200 btw).
Well, after this I got invited to the server back and had everyone apparently hatting on me for it until i finally had time to talk and people were listening, that's when I started explaining it all. I also made the decision to close GalaxyRDP so I started refunding everyone who made a pre order and sent the money to me (at the time I posted this thread: https://Holisticz.gg/Thread-No-I-didnt-exit-scam ).
Right now there's about $30 more left to refund, just waiting for the said customers to DM me. I've been refunding the payments that I received since I can only refund those ones since it's the ones I actually got the money.

Also, Anti has left the server, seems like who is exitting is exactly who accused me no?

> People that sent the money to Anti
I think that it was about 3 max, one has contacted me and I told him to contact Anti since it was indeed Anti who got his money, not me.
To everyone on this situation, contact him and, if in 24-48h you don't get your refund, I'll give you the money from my own pocket and ask Anti for it back. If he doesn't, I'll be opening scam reports.

If you read everything until here, I hope you understand everything and why I feel like I'm the one who got fucked over here.
Not here to scam anyone as I already said multiple times, hope this proves it.

Just making this to clear out my name from this mess that I'm fixing.
1) Why would I exit scam for <$200?
2) Actually, why would I exit scam at all? Remember what I did when I quitted forums? I simply made a thread saying goodbye and self banned.

If you feel like something has been left unsaid, lmk and I'll let you know.

My convo with Anti about this all ("shit happens" no, it doesn't, not like this lol)
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Some refunds I've submitted already:
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Years of Service

ok boomer.
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Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the ads shown above. They're paid advertisements. Please make sure to confirm via PM before contacting me. I do not sell, buy or exchange anything. Be careful of impersonators & scammers.



