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- #2
I'm sure @Fizzler can confirm that there indeed is an imposter out there when he sees this but I want everyone to stay safe and not get scammed for literally $500+ as the tools @Fizzler sells can be costly (which is fine). Just would hate to see people get scammed over someone impersonating him on Discord, to confirm its him always message him first here on blocked asking if you're talking to him or not.
This is a bump
Update: Confirmed that its indeed an imposter and he admitted to ratting as well, shittiest imposter I've ever seen lmao, a 10 year old could social engineer better than him, I blurred out the discord so no one joins it/no attraction for him, he's got the worst SE'ing skills ever
https://i.imgur.com/PCYr3s1.png (proof containing the guy's username, do NOT add/message him unless u wanna troll him/waste his time lol)
2nd Update: mdg/digitools as well confirmed and announced in their official discord and telegram that to watch out for that imposter, the imposter's Discord is:Fizzler#6920 (DONT ADD HIM UNLESS U WANNA TROLL HIM) and his ID:1000872632390000712
This is a bump
Update: Confirmed that its indeed an imposter and he admitted to ratting as well, shittiest imposter I've ever seen lmao, a 10 year old could social engineer better than him, I blurred out the discord so no one joins it/no attraction for him, he's got the worst SE'ing skills ever
https://i.imgur.com/PCYr3s1.png (proof containing the guy's username, do NOT add/message him unless u wanna troll him/waste his time lol)
2nd Update: mdg/digitools as well confirmed and announced in their official discord and telegram that to watch out for that imposter, the imposter's Discord is:Fizzler#6920 (DONT ADD HIM UNLESS U WANNA TROLL HIM) and his ID:1000872632390000712