- Thread Author
- #2
This bot is basic as hell, feel free to edit the js code to your liking.
I recommend buying/coding a more sophisticated bot if you are serious.
I no longer need this bot since ive gotten a really robust one made for me recently.
this bot id not god and still needs the other tricks ive discussed in my guides or classes with some of you.
// ==UserScript==
// @name TicketMaster Reserve bot
// @Namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.2
// @Description auto reserve bot
// @Match https://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/*
// @Match https://www.ticketmaster.com/*
// @Match https://www.ticketmaster.ie/*
// @Require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js
// @Grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var refreshIntervalSeconds=1; //Set this to how often you want to check for tickets (Note: Do this too fast and TicketMaster may block your ip address)
var numberOfTickets=2; //Set this to the number of tickets you want
function SkipPopup()
var popupPresent = getElementByXpath('//button[@Class = "modal-dialog__button landing-modal-footer__skip-button"]');
try{ popupPresent.click();}catch(ex){}
function CheckForFilterPanel(){
var filterBar = getElementByXpath('//div[@Class = "filter-bar__content"]');
return filterBar;
function ProcessFilterPanel(filterBar){
//Click first ticket result in list
ClickElement('(//ul/li[@Class = "quick-picks__list-item"])[1]/div/div');
//Change ticket quantity (if applicable)
waitForElement('.offer-card', function() {
//Change the number of tickets (if applicable);
//Click the button to Buy the tickets (right hand panel)
var getTicketsElement = ClickElement('//button[@id = "offer-card-buy-button"]');
//Sometimes a dialog comes up if someone else beat us to the tickets.
//This dialog gives a recommendation for a new seat selection.
//If this occurs, we choose to accept the new seats.
waitForElement('.button-aux, .modal-dialog__button', function() {
var sectionChangeBuyButton = getElementByXpath('//button[@Class = "button-aux modal-dialog__button"]');
function ChangeTicketQuantity()
var rightPanelCurrentTicketCountElement = getElementByXpath('//div[@Class = "qty-picker__number qty-picker__number--lg"]');
var currentTicketCount = rightPanelCurrentTicketCountElement.innerText;
var ticketQuantityDifference = numberOfTickets - currentTicketCount;
if (ticketQuantityDifference > 0)
var ticketIncrementElement = ClickElement('//button[@Class = "qty-picker__button qty-picker__button--increment qty-picker__button--lg"]');
for (var i = 0; i < ticketQuantityDifference; i++)
else if(ticketQuantityDifference < 0)
ticketQuantityDifference = Math.abs(ticketQuantityDifference);
var ticketDecrementElement = ClickElement('//button[@Class = "qty-picker__button qty-picker__button--decrement qty-picker__button--lg"]');
for (var i = 0; i < ticketQuantityDifference; i++)
function CheckForGeneralAdmission()
var BuyButton = getElementByXpath('//button[@id = "offer-card-buy-button"]');
return BuyButton;
function ProcessGeneralAdmission(generalAdmissionBuyButton)
function reload() {
function ClickElement(path, time)
var element = getElementByXpath(path);
if(element !== null) {
if (typeof element.click != 'undefined')
return element;
function getElementByXpath(path)
return document.evaluate(path, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
var waitForElement = function(selector, callback)
if (jQuery(selector).length) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
waitForElement(selector, callback);
}, 100);
var success=false;
//This popup dialog seems to happen in the US ticketmaster website
//We just close it down and continue as normal
//Ticket type 1
//This occurs in the majority of ticket sales when there is a selection of ticket types
var filterBar = CheckForFilterPanel();
console.log('These tickets have a filter bar');
//Ticket type 2
//These tickets are General Admission and do not have assigned seating (i.e. no filter bar)
var generalAdmissionBuyButton = CheckForGeneralAdmission();
console.log('These tickets are General Admission');
//TODO: Add more ticket types if found
//refresh the page after an interval (Tickets weren't yet on sale)
setTimeout(function(){reload();}, refreshIntervalSeconds * 1000);
Tip: Test it out on a page were tickets are already on sale.
Tip: Run in multiple browsers but not multiple tabs (But be careful!!!, too many same useragent requests and you risk getting blocked by Ticketmaster)
This is a bump
I recommend buying/coding a more sophisticated bot if you are serious.
I no longer need this bot since ive gotten a really robust one made for me recently.
this bot id not god and still needs the other tricks ive discussed in my guides or classes with some of you.
- You need to install Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey first:
- Chrome: http://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail...ldmpobfkfo
- Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox...ey/?src=ss
- After you have installed the extension then simply add the following script via the new script button
- Navigate to a 'www.ticketmaster.' ticket page shortly before the tickets are due to go on sale. The bot will automatically refresh regularly if the tickets aren't yet on sale.
// ==UserScript==
// @
// @Namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.2
// @Description auto reserve bot
// @Match https://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/*
// @Match https://www.ticketmaster.com/*
// @Match https://www.ticketmaster.ie/*
// @Require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js
// @Grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var refreshIntervalSeconds=1; //Set this to how often you want to check for tickets (Note: Do this too fast and TicketMaster may block your ip address)
var numberOfTickets=2; //Set this to the number of tickets you want
function SkipPopup()
var popupPresent = getElementByXpath('//button[@Class = "modal-dialog__button landing-modal-footer__skip-button"]');
try{ popupPresent.click();}catch(ex){}
function CheckForFilterPanel(){
var filterBar = getElementByXpath('//div[@Class = "filter-bar__content"]');
return filterBar;
function ProcessFilterPanel(filterBar){
//Click first ticket result in list
ClickElement('(//ul/li[@Class = "quick-picks__list-item"])[1]/div/div');
//Change ticket quantity (if applicable)
waitForElement('.offer-card', function() {
//Change the number of tickets (if applicable);
//Click the button to Buy the tickets (right hand panel)
var getTicketsElement = ClickElement('//button[@id = "offer-card-buy-button"]');
//Sometimes a dialog comes up if someone else beat us to the tickets.
//This dialog gives a recommendation for a new seat selection.
//If this occurs, we choose to accept the new seats.
waitForElement('.button-aux, .modal-dialog__button', function() {
var sectionChangeBuyButton = getElementByXpath('//button[@Class = "button-aux modal-dialog__button"]');
function ChangeTicketQuantity()
var rightPanelCurrentTicketCountElement = getElementByXpath('//div[@Class = "qty-picker__number qty-picker__number--lg"]');
var currentTicketCount = rightPanelCurrentTicketCountElement.innerText;
var ticketQuantityDifference = numberOfTickets - currentTicketCount;
if (ticketQuantityDifference > 0)
var ticketIncrementElement = ClickElement('//button[@Class = "qty-picker__button qty-picker__button--increment qty-picker__button--lg"]');
for (var i = 0; i < ticketQuantityDifference; i++)
else if(ticketQuantityDifference < 0)
ticketQuantityDifference = Math.abs(ticketQuantityDifference);
var ticketDecrementElement = ClickElement('//button[@Class = "qty-picker__button qty-picker__button--decrement qty-picker__button--lg"]');
for (var i = 0; i < ticketQuantityDifference; i++)
function CheckForGeneralAdmission()
var BuyButton = getElementByXpath('//button[@id = "offer-card-buy-button"]');
return BuyButton;
function ProcessGeneralAdmission(generalAdmissionBuyButton)
function reload() {
function ClickElement(path, time)
var element = getElementByXpath(path);
if(element !== null) {
if (typeof element.click != 'undefined')
return element;
function getElementByXpath(path)
return document.evaluate(path, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
var waitForElement = function(selector, callback)
if (jQuery(selector).length) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
waitForElement(selector, callback);
}, 100);
var success=false;
//This popup dialog seems to happen in the US ticketmaster website
//We just close it down and continue as normal
//Ticket type 1
//This occurs in the majority of ticket sales when there is a selection of ticket types
var filterBar = CheckForFilterPanel();
console.log('These tickets have a filter bar');
//Ticket type 2
//These tickets are General Admission and do not have assigned seating (i.e. no filter bar)
var generalAdmissionBuyButton = CheckForGeneralAdmission();
console.log('These tickets are General Admission');
//TODO: Add more ticket types if found
//refresh the page after an interval (Tickets weren't yet on sale)
setTimeout(function(){reload();}, refreshIntervalSeconds * 1000);
Tip: Test it out on a page were tickets are already on sale.
Tip: Run in multiple browsers but not multiple tabs (But be careful!!!, too many same useragent requests and you risk getting blocked by Ticketmaster)
This is a bump