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[HQ] Reps shipping guide














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Welcome back everyone, here's some information on replicas shipping and methods to avoid them being seized by customs. Enjoy!

How To Avoid Customs
1. Intro Revised

Ok this may be the most important part of the Guide. How to avoid customs - especially when you are living in Europe (s/o to Germany). Not everything changed, but there are some IMPORTANT steps that I added to the checklist. DHL is the way to go for Germany, Austria and many more European countries. Do not use EMS in Germany or Austria.

If you live in the US or Canada you can choose EMS, DHL or GD-Sal. Customs are pretty relaxed in these countries. For the US and Canada, shipping hauls up to 10kg generally isn't a problem. Some people even do more. Do so at your own risk. For the USA, the declaration value doesn't matter much, as you are unlikely to be taxed. For Canada, declare the package 10-14USD. Also, If you live in Canada, it is advised that you use EMS or GD-SAL. If you use DHL, you will be taxed upon package arrival.

2. Checklist For Europe

You may have to look up laws for any import fees or regulations. These numbers are an example for shipping to Germany, it should work for any country though.

[ ] Stay within .9 of a KG. Read here for more information

[ ] Try to stay at a maximum of 4kg. Do not go over this for the safest rate.

[ ] If possible ask for no cardboard wrapping, let them package in DHL plastic bag

[ ] Ask for vacuum sealing (Possible in the fewest cases)

[ ] Ask them to wrap up your whole package with tape, a lot of tape.

[ ] Let them put a Commercial invoice on the outside (!)! of your package

[ ] The commercial invoice should have a value UNDER $24 including shipping costs

[ ] The commercial invoice has to be readable, if it has printing errors it has to be printed again

[ ] The commercial invoice has to state the shipping costs with a value >$0

[ ] The commercial invoice has to have a sender address

[ ] Your telephone number has to be stated on the commercial invoice

[ ] Let them send you a copy of the commercial invoice to your email (Will come back to this)

By doing this, you will get a good grasp of what others have done. Trust me, your situation is not unique.

What Happens When Your Haul Gets Seized By Customs
Outside of United States
This can have so many reasons. There's a difference between your parcel being held up by customs and your parcel being seized by customs.

If your parcel is held up DHL probably just messaged/emailed/called you and they told you some long story about some value declaration and so on. To keep it short: DHL does not trust your invoice/can't read the invoice/is bored af and wants a proof of payment to declare the value of your haul. For DHL Germany it is really easy to do this. You go to this DHL Link fill out the information and upload a Paypal/Bank wire/Western Union/Payment Screenshot. For any other country: Search for the email address of DHL Express Customs (not normal DHL) in your country. You can also call the DHL Express hotline and ask them. Email them the same proof of payment screenshot.

The bad side is that you will probably have to pay some importing fees (EUSt in Germany are 19% + 12,50 DHL fees). I can tell you that DHL Customs will not check if you send them an authentic screenshot of your Paypal transaction or if you managed to change up some digits in order to stay under $24. To save the importing fees. I cannot tell you how to do it, though of course. Google inspect element... This is why it was important, that they sent you the Commercial Invoice they put on the parcel - You know exactly how high they declared it and what they stated is inside.

The Tracking status should be "Clearance Event" when they want the proof of payment and should change to "Clearance processing completed" when it is done. This can take up to several days after you send them the screenshot.

If your haul really got seized (Tracking status "Please contact DHL") there is nothing you can do. DHL will send you a letter where they will ask you for your permission to destroy the items. Just ignore this letter. It will automatically count as a permission (in Germany). There is nothing else. You don't go to jail, you don't get a Million $ fine. Some DHL Customs worker told me that if you stay under 3 shoes per package they will not contact the brand. But keep in mind, this is TOTALLY random. If you follow the checklist there is a micro chance that you package will even get inspected. Because inspecting alone is not enough, so many DHL workers just don't care and pass Nike, Adidas, Gucci Fakes. And if you really are that unlucky, just deal with it. Some sellers send out a replacement for free, some don't. You, Your family and your future kids will be safe, don't worry.

Inside the United States

If your package was seized within Chinese borders often times the Agent will refund you the full parcel price. Meaning if your haul went to the value of 2,000 then you will be reimbursed 2,000 directly to your account.

If your package was seized or taken in for inspection by United States Customs then you will be given a call or a notice that DHL, EMS, or your selected shipping company has took in your package. Do not panic. Often times when they take your package in for inspection they will ask you to provide a receipt or invoice for the declaration of value for your haul. Seizures and inspections are 100% random and aren't able to bypassed through any method. To keep it short: DHL does not trust your invoice/can't read the invoice/is bored af and wants a proof of payment to declare the value of your haul. For DHL Germany it is really easy to do this. You go to this DHL Link fill out the information and upload a Paypal/Bank wire/Western Union/Payment Screenshot. For any other country: Search for the email address of DHL Express Customs (not normal DHL) in your country. You can also call the DHL Express hotline and ask them. Email them the same proof of payment screenshot.

After this step you will need to wait for the review period to end and if everything went well then your package will be released to you. If your package was seized and they send you a letter than it is best to say you didn't order the item and take the loss on the haul.

Credits: fashionreps


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(17 May, 2023 - 07:19 PM)Dani123321 Wrote: Show More
Welcome back everyone, here's some information on replicas shipping and methods to avoid them being seized by customs. Enjoy!

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