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How to create poison (educational purposes only)
















Years of Service


1) Line the basket of a percolator with filter paper and fill with powdered aconite root until it is half full.

2) Fill the percolator itself half full of a mixture of one part amyl alcohol and three parts methanol. Percolate for 30 minutes. Do this in a well-ventilated area. Methanol fumes are both poisonous and flammable.

3) Drain off the alcohol, add the same amount of fresh alcohol mixture to the percolator and repeat step 2.

4) Drain off the alcohol. Take a small pinch of the powder from the basket and allow it to dry thoroughly. When dry, taste a tiny amount of the powder. If it numbs the tongue, repeat the extraction. If not, discard the powder and proceed to stop 5. (Tasting a small amountofthe powder will not harm you, but be sure not to swallow it and rinse your mouth out several times afterwards).

5) Combine the alcohol extracts. Pour them into a distilling flask until it is about half full. Hook up an aspirator to provide vacuum and distill gently until the flask has only one quarter of the original volume left.

6) Add this to a bottle of 1% sulfuric acid and shake for several minutes. There should be at least five times as much acid solution as alcohol extract.

7) Add this liquid to a separatory funnel with an equal volume of ethyl ether and shake for several minutes.

8) Drain the bottom (water) layer and save. Discard the upper (ether) layer.

9) Add dilute ammonia until the pH is alkaline (8 or higher).

10) Add this liquid to a separatory funnel with an equal volume of ethyl ether and shake, for several minutes.

11) Drain the bottom (water) layer and discard. Add a small quantity of cold water to the funnel and shake. Drain the water and discard.

12) Evaporate the ether in a well-ventilated area away from any source of sparks. Ether fumes are explosive.

13) Add the residue to a small amount of hot water, filter, and place in a refrigerator overnight to crystallize.

14) Filter this solution and dry the powder. Store in an airtight bottle.


1) Sterilize 150 grams of shredded wheat in a oven at 100 C for one hour. Take care to prevent scorching. At the same time, sterilize a one-gallon glass jug or 4 liter boiling flask. The latter is preferred.

2) Wear a dust mask, shower cap and clean clothes. Wash the work area down with disinfectant before starting work and make sure the room has no drafts.

3) When both are cool, stuff the shredded wheat into the jug or flask and wet with 1/3 cup of distilled water.

4) Inoculate with A. flavus culture, cap with a wad of sterile cotton, and incubate at 30 C for 7 to 9 days. Be careful not to contaminate the media with any other organisms.

5) Add 750 ml of chloroform to the jug and swirl to rinse out the wheat and any mold formations. Reflux on a steam bath for 10 minutes. Take care to avoid contaminating the work area with spores. Always wear your dust mask.Note:if a 4 liter boiling flask is used to grow the culture it may be refluxed in same. If not, then remove the culture in portions and reflux in a smaller flask. This, however, exposes you to unnecessary danger and should be avoided if at all possible.

6) Cool to room temperature and filter through two coffee filters.

7) Refilter through a coffee filter containing 400 grams of anhydrous (totally dry) sodium sulfate.

8) Repeat extraction with two more 750 ml portions of chloroform.

9) Combine extracts and evaporate to a volume of approximately 10 ml on a steam bath under a stream of nitrogen.

10) Add residue to 200 ml of petroleum ether, slowly, with vigorous.stirring to precipitate the toxin.

11) Cool to 5 Cand filter through a small Buchner funnel. Yield is about 500 mg of crude aflatoxins with a purity of 50 to 60%. It may be used as is or further purified using liquid chromatography. This, however, is generally unnecessary for most users of the toxin.


1) Place fresh mushrooms on a screen rack and either air dry, or dry in an oven at the lowest temperature. Make sure you don't scorch them.

2) Place the dried mushrooms in a blender and grind into a powder.

3) Cover the powder with five times as much methanol and blend for five minutes. Allow the powder to soak in the blender for about three days, turning on the machine for five minutes every twelve hours or so.

4) Filter the solution and discard the solids.

5) Place the solution in a shallow dish and allow the alcohol to evaporate.

6) Scrape the gummy residue off the dish and dissolve in the minimum amount of pentane.

7) Filter this solution and discard the solids.

8) Place the solution in a shallow dish and evaporate the pentane. The crystals recovered are a mixture of the main three toxins. Steps 7 and 8 may be repeated, if desired, for further purification.

Note:Remember to perform all evaporation in a well-ventilated area, as both pentane and methanol have fumes which are hazardous and flammable.


1) The frogs are killed with ether and carefully skinned using forceps and scissors. The skin is then cut into small pieces and soaked in methanol at a proportion of 500 ml per 250 frog skins.

2) Place the methanol and skins in a blender and blend at high speed for 5 minutes. Filter the solution and repeat twice more with fresh methanol. Discard the skins when done.

3) Concentrate the methanol extracts under vacuum at 30C until they are one-third their original volume.

4) Chill the solution to 5C and dilute with three times as much distilled water. All subsequent extractions will be done at 5C.

5) Extract the aqueous methanol solution three times with equal volumes of chloroform. This is done by shaking in a separatory funnel.

6) The chloroform solutions are combined and extracted four times with one-half volumes of cold 0.1N hydrochloric acid (HC1).

7) These acidic extracts are adjusted to pH 9-10 using 1.ON ammonium hydroxide and extracted three times with equal volume of chloroform.

8) The chloroform extracts are combined, dried over sodium sulfate, and concentrated under vacuum until dry. The residue will be crude, a mixture of about three different alkaloids. Yield will depend on the species of the frogs used. In one test, 5000 adult Phyllobates aurotaenia yielded 157 mg of mixed alkaloids, while 750 adult Dendrobates tricolor yielded 80 nig.


1) Set up a gas generation bottle containing 100 grams of calcium hypochlorite (HTH) Attach the gas tube to an aerator placed in the bottom of a 250 ml flask of acetone (see drawing).

2) Begin addition of a mixture of half muriatic acid and half water into the gas jar in a slow stream. A total of 200 grams of this acid mix will be needed. The yellowish-greenchlorine gas will begin generating. If not, a gentle application of heat to the generating flask should got things going.

3) When all of the gas has been generated, check the specific gravity of the acetone with a hydrometer. If it reads at least 1.16 then the process is complete. If not, repeat the gas generation step with about 1/4 of the amount previously used. Recheck with the hydrometer.

[Image: chloracetone.png]


1) Dried and ground plant material are percolated with 80% ethanol for several hours. Be sure to do this in a well-ventilated area.

2) Filter the solution in the percolator and heat on a water bath to reduce volume to about 20%.

3) Add molten wax (about 1/2 of the volume) to the still hot solution, stir briskly and allow to cool. This removes fats and tars.

4) Filter to remove the wax and add three times i ts volume of cold water. Stir briskly. This will remove more tar.

5. The water solution is filtered and added to a separatory funnel with an equal amount of chloroform. Shake for several minutes.

6) Drain the lower (water) layer and discard it.

7) Heat chloroform solution on a hot water hath to remove all of the solvent. Do this in a well-ventilated area as chloroform fumes are narcotic.

8) Dissolve the residue in hot alcohol and filter.

9) Evaporate alcohol on a hot water bath. You now have colchicine. If you wish to further purify your colchicine, dissolve it in the minimum amount of hot ethyl acetate. Upon cooling the colchicine will re-crystallize from the solvent.


1) Coarsely chop one pound of fresh hemlock and macerate in a blender for 5 minutes with a mixture of 2 liters of chloroform and 200 ml of a 5% sodium, hydroxide solution.

2) Filter and discard solids.

3) Place the liquid in a separatory funnel, allow the layers to separate, and draw off the bottom layer. Discard this.

4) Add 200 ml of 2N hydrochloric acid solution to the chloroform layer, shake well, and evaporate on a hot water bath. Be sure to have adequate ventilation.

5) A pale green solution remains which is filtered through activated charcoal or cellite to remove the tar.

6) Add sodium hydroxide until the pH of this solution is basic (9 or more).

7) Add 200 ml of chloroform and shake well. Separate the layers in the separatory funnel. Repeat extraction for a total of five 200ml portions of chloroform, then discard water layer.

8) Combine the chloroform extracts and evaporate solution until no more chloroform can be smelled. The result is crude coniine. It may be converted to the hydrochloride form by passing dry hydrogen chloride gas through the solution but this is usually unnecessary


1) Grind the dried berries in a blender until finely powdered.

2) Add chloroform to the powder on a one for one basis, by weight, and blend for one hour at high speed.

3) Filter powder and repeat step 2 twice more at high speed, using fresh chloroform.

4) Combine the chloroform extracts and heat on a water bath until concentrated to about 20% of their original volume. Be sure todo this in a well-ventilated area, as chloroform fumes are narcotic.

5) Add this concentrate to a blender containing about 12 times as much hexane. Blend at medium speed for 5 minutes.

6) The toxin will precipitate as a dull yellow powder. Filter the precipitate and re-dissolve in the smallest amount of chloroform. Repeat steps 5 & 6.

7) Filter and dry powder.

===== HOW TO MAKE RICIN =====

Ricin is insoluble in normal water solutions, but combines well with slightly acidic water or lemon juice. It may be dissolved in water at a pH of 3.8 to 4,0 for injection or finely powdered for ingestion or inhalation. Its only drawback is that it is heat liable, meaning it will be inactivated by heating to over 100 C when in solid form or 60 C to 70 C in solution. The heat of grinding will also destroy the toxin, but if you gently crush it on a glass surface, using the back of a spoon or similar instrument, no deactivation should occur. Even with this limitation it is as close to a perfect poison as is available. It is odorless, taseless, undetectable. untreatable, and fatal in minute dose. Gram for gram ricin is deadlier than most nerve gases. Anything with this much power should be handled with the utmost caution and respect. This tutorial will show 2 methods of creating ricin:

Method 1:

Using acetone, table salt. Epsom salts, and water. By far the easiest method for producing gram or smaller quantities. The only drawback is that the ricin produced is not as pure as the second method.

Materials needed: Approximately 1/2 cup castor bean seeds, 2 one-pint jars, one filter funnel, coffee fillers, one pint acetone, table salt, water, and a pair of pliers.

1) Crack the seeds gently with the pliers and removeove the hard outer shells. Deposit the seed pulps of the jars.

2) When all of the seeds are shelled, cover the pulps in the jar with six times as much acetone. Mash the beans with a spoon or stick until they are broken up. Let this sit overnight. Periodically, the mush in the bottom should be poked and stirred to keep lumps from forming and to remove as much of the oil as possible

3) Line the funnel with one of the coffee filters and pour the acetone/bean pulp slurry through it. When drained, spread the filter on a newspaper and dry overnight. Discard the acetone/oil solution in the jar. Feel the powder. If it clumps when dry it still has too much oil in it. If so, repeat step 3 until a fine dry powder is produced.

4) Scrape the powder off the filter into the second jar and fill it with a dragonwarm (not hot) salt solution (10 prams of salt per 100 milliliters of solution). Let this sit overnight, shaking the jar occasionally.

5) Filter this solution and discard the solids caught on the filter.

6) Add an equal volume of saturated solution of Epsom salts, shake briskly, and let sit. After a short time a fine white powder will precipitate from the solution. This is ricin. When precipitation has ceased, as much of the liquid as possible is carefully poured off, taking care not to disturb the powder on the bottom. The remainder is then filtered and allowed to dry overnight at room temperature. When the filtrate is dry put on rubber gloves and a good dust mask. Carefully scrape the ricin off the filter and store in a well-sealed container.Note:The optimum temperature for this process is 25 C. If the solution is cold it will be difficult, if not impossible to cause precipitation. If necessary, warm the jar in a basin of warm water. Do not allow it to become hot or the toxin will be destroyed.

Method 2:

Using acetone, dilute sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide (lye), sodium carbonate (washing soda), sodium sulfate, and carbon tetrachloride. Uses more chemicals and equipment but produces an article of much greater purity. All chemicicals used are cheaply and readily available. Geared to the production of larger quantities than field grade.

1) Pour the whole beans into the blender. Add just enough acetone to cover them and grind for one minute. Check to make sure that all beans are ground up and that the temperature has not risen too much.

2) Add four times as much acetone as bean pulp to the blender and liquefy for several minutes.

3) Pour off the acetone and replace with an equal amount. Liquefy again for several minutes. Discard the used acetone.

4) Filter the slurry and allow the filtrate to dry thoroughly.

5) Add filtrate to blender with four times as much distilled water at a pH of 3.8 and a temperature of 25C. Liquefy for several minutes.Note:the preferred pH range is 3.5 to is optimal. 5% sulfuric acid is preferred for pH adjustment, although dilute hydrochloric acid can be used.

6) Filter slurry and discard filtrate.

7) Raise pH of this solution to pH 7 to 8, using 5% sodium hydroxide or 12% sodium carbonate.

8) Treat the solution with a 16.7% solution of sodium sulfate (2 pounds of salt to 10 pounds of water) to precipitate the toxin. Add a little at a time and cease additions when no more toxin is precipitated. Allow up to 5 minutes between additions.

9) Filter solution and discard the liquid. Wash filtrate with some of the sodium sulfate solution. This will remove an additional 15% non-toxic nitrogen.

10) The filtrate is dried and slurried with carbon tetrachloride to separate the ricin by flotation. Use caution handling carbon tet as it is a suspected carcinogen and has toxic fumes. The ricin is skimmed off the top. Dry and grind carefully.

11) Ricin is added to three times its weight of distilled water and brought to a pH of 3.8, using 5% sulfuric acid.

12) Filter the slurry and neutralize the pH by adding 12% sodium carbonate solution, a little at a time, until a pH of 7 to 8 is reached.

13) A second precipitation is brought about by adding the sodium sulfate solution. A precipitation time of 45 minutes is required.

14)The solution is filtered and the ricin is washed on the filter with sodium sulfate solution to remove additional non-toxic nitrogen.

15) The filtrate is dried, ground carefully, and slurried with five times its weight of carbon tetrachloride to separate the sodium sulfate by flotation. Skim the ricin off the surface. The nitrogen content is then reduced from 40 to 50%, to 15 to 18%. 16) Dry and carefully grind into a fine powder.

Store in a well-sealed container and protect from heat.Note: The grinding steps are the Achilles heel of this operation. The heatgenerated by grinding can easily deactivate the toxin. An air grinder was developed that eliminated this problem and may be available commercially. For best results the ricin should be as fine as possible.

[Image: PepeBlush.png]
















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