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british slang explanations


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  1. Ace: Excellent or great.
  2. Holisticzed off: Fed up or annoyed.
  3. Chav: A derogatory term for someone perceived as lower class or uncouth.
  4. Mates rates: A discounted price given to friends.
  5. Arse: Butt or posterior.
  6. Bollocks: Nonsense or something that is untrue.
  7. Gaff: A house or place of residence.
  8. Sod off: Go away or leave.
  9. Fit: Attractive or good-looking.
  10. Loo: Bathroom or toilet.
  11. Peckish: Slightly hungry.
  12. Sorted: Organized or taken care of.
  13. Telly: Television.
  14. Knickers: Women's underwear.
  15. Trolleyed: Very drunk.
  16. Bog-standard: Ordinary or basic.
  17. Plonker: A foolish or stupid person.
  18. Minging: Unpleasant or disgusting.
  19. Quid pro quo: A mutual exchange or agreement.
  20. Off one's trolley: Crazy or insane.
  21. Bloke: A man.
  22. Bird: A woman or girlfriend.
  23. Mate: A friend or buddy.
  24. Chuffed: Pleased or delighted.
  25. Knackered: Tired or exhausted.
  26. Dodgy: Suspicious or unreliable.
  27. Cheers: Thanks or goodbye.
  28. Blimey: An expression of surprise or shock.
  29. Gutted: Extremely disappointed.
  30. Fancy: To have a romantic interest in someone.
  31. Nutter: A crazy or eccentric person.
  32. Wanker: A derogatory term for someone considered foolish or contemptible.
  33. Gutted: Devastated or deeply upset.
  34. Gobsmacked: Astonished or speechless.
  35. Brilliant: Excellent or fantastic.
  36. Chuffed to bits: Extremely pleased.
  37. Skint: Having no money.
  38. Bob's your uncle: A phrase used to indicate that something is easy or straightforward.
  39. Quid: Slang for the British pound (currency).
  40. Muppet: A foolish or incompetent person.














Years of Service

(26 May, 2023 - 09:28 PM)VarksHUB Wrote: Show More
  1. Ace: Excellent or great.
  2. Holisticzed off: Fed up or annoyed.
  3. Chav: A derogatory term for someone perceived as lower class or uncouth.
  4. Mates rates: A discounted price given to friends.
  5. Arse: Butt or posterior.
  6. Bollocks: Nonsense or something that is untrue.
  7. Gaff: A house or place of residence.
  8. Sod off: Go away or leave.
  9. Fit: Attractive or good-looking.
  10. Loo: Bathroom or toilet.
  11. Peckish: Slightly hungry.
  12. Sorted: Organized or taken care of.
  13. Telly: Television.
  14. Knickers: Women's underwear.
  15. Trolleyed: Very drunk.
  16. Bog-standard: Ordinary or basic.
  17. Plonker: A foolish or stupid person.
  18. Minging: Unpleasant or disgusting.
  19. Quid pro quo: A mutual exchange or agreement.
  20. Off one's trolley: Crazy or insane.
  21. Bloke: A man.
  22. Bird: A woman or girlfriend.
  23. Mate: A friend or buddy.
  24. Chuffed: Pleased or delighted.
  25. Knackered: Tired or exhausted.
  26. Dodgy: Suspicious or unreliable.
  27. Cheers: Thanks or goodbye.
  28. Blimey: An expression of surprise or shock.
  29. Gutted: Extremely disappointed.
  30. Fancy: To have a romantic interest in someone.
  31. Nutter: A crazy or eccentric person.
  32. Wanker: A derogatory term for someone considered foolish or contemptible.
  33. Gutted: Devastated or deeply upset.
  34. Gobsmacked: Astonished or speechless.
  35. Brilliant: Excellent or fantastic.
  36. Chuffed to bits: Extremely pleased.
  37. Skint: Having no money.
  38. Bob's your uncle: A phrase used to indicate that something is easy or straightforward.
  39. Quid: Slang for the British pound (currency).
  40. Muppet: A foolish or incompetent person.

i can finally wag wag with my drillaz thx.




